The Signalograph was developed based on the book "Mapping of Parapsychic Energy Signaling", by the author Sandra Tornieri, in order to be an always handy tool for recording the parapsychic signals perceived in everyday life with ease and safety. of data stored in the cloud to be accessed from any mobile device.Parapsychic Energy Signaling is the existence, identification, registration and employmentself-conscious of the psychic, energetic, parapsychic, and very personal signals, or the transcendent, indisputable, self-persuasive, self-confirming awareness of the presence of extraphysical consciousnesses or occurrences, paraphrases, and paraphenomena around the ordinary perceptual waking or projected consciousness outside the sum , lucidly.It is the technical neologism of Parapercepciology, a specialty of Conscientiology, a science proposed by Professor Waldo Vieira, also a proponent of science Projectiology.